Contact Casselton Consultants
Thank you for visiting Casselton Consultants! If you have any questions, or would like further information, please contact the office at 804-778-7685, email at or by using the contact form below.
The law protects the relationship between the therapist and the client and information cannot be disclosed without written permission. In certain situations, we may ask you to allow us to report on your progress to certain parties. You will always have knowledge of this, be asked to sign the disclosure form and may withdraw your consent at any time.
Exceptions may include:
- Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse
- Threats of serious bodily harm to another person
- Threats of self-harm or suicide.
Main Office / Chester Office
4525 West Hundred Road
Chester, VA 23831
Richmond Office
7113 Three Chopt Road – Suite 205
Richmond, VA 23226
Phone -804-778-7685
FAX – 804-778-7686